Thursday, April 23, 2015

Demographics of Snapchat

Social networking sites have begun to take over our society completely. We've gone from interaction that was mainly physical and face-to-face, to interaction that takes place by the means of technology. What are social networking sites exactly? They're designed to offer modes of self presentation and sociability. They are online platforms that intersect people, technology and practice. One social networking platform that I found interesting in particular is Snapchat.


Snapchat was launched in September of 2011. It was originally designed to send people nude pictures as the maximum length someone can see the picture you send is 10 seconds. However, Snapchat has grown into more of a social app than originally. Below, I attached an article that discusses the demographics of Snapchat and how it became the global phenomenon that it has.

Business Insider-Snapchat

This article mentions how Snapchat has grown to achieve a top-three rank in the iPhone app store in some of the wealthiest consumer markets. Since it's launch, teens have dominated the demographics. The majority of users of Snapchat are female aged 13-25 years old. Majority of users use Snapchat to communicate with their friends and family in a more easy, quicker way. However, there are a few more reasons that Snapchat has developed as much as it has.

The app, starting out like I mentioned before, as merely a (nude) photo app, has added a lot of dimensions to it. First, Snapchat added the feature of "My Story" to it. This feature allows people to post pictures and videos to their personal story and people can view it as much as they want to, for the next 24 hours, until the story expires and is permanently deleted. Along with the "My Story" feature of Snapchat, Snapchat has recently incorporated businesses into their app. They have begun to partner with certain businesses as a way for that particular business to market themselves. These businesses/corporation/networks, such as Cosmopolitan, Comedy Central, CNN, People, Food Network, Yahoo, EPSN, etc., have "stories" that are added everyday with the latest news and updates from that specific corporation.

So, the question I wanted to further discuss is are we, as a society, forever stuck in this technological way of communication? Do you think our technological footprints will just continue to flourish or will we run out of ideas?

In my personal opinion, I think that we are going to continue the pattern that we're already following. In fact, I believe that technology will prosper so much that it will completely take over. It already has in some sense. But I think that it's important at the same time, to think about where were headed. We really have no idea what else could possibly be created and what the next trend/fad will be. But it's important to consider the future and educate yourself. With the track that we're on now, I don't think that we'll ever run out of ideas. We are innovators. We want newer, bigger, better things and we keep getting them thus far. So why would, what has considered to be successful, ever stop?


  1. I don't think we'll ever run out of ideas when it comes to technology - people were probably wondering the same thing 10 years ago, and here we are with all these incredible new advancements since then. However, it does seem like we're stuck in this technological way of communication. As more advanced technology develops, more and more people will end up adopting it - I doubt this will ever start to move in reverse on a large scale.

    1. I agree with you. I think we're permanently stuck on a way of living that depends heavily on technology.
